Pollen count and allergy info for Arlington

Arlington pollen and allergy report

Last update at (local time)

Today's Pollen Count in Arlington

Pollen types
Tree pollenLow
Grass pollenLow
Weed pollenNone
Source: tomorrow.io

Air quality

Air quality of Arlington today

PM2.5 µg/m³Good
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Allergy forecast

Arlington pollen count forecast

DayIndex Tree Grass Weed WindWeatherTemperature
Wind rotating 167 degree 17.9 mp/h
Weather icon 100%
86° 64.4°
Tuesday, Jun 4
Wind rotating 170 degree 17.9 mp/h
Weather icon
91.4° 75.2°
Wednesday, Jun 5
Very high
Very high
Wind rotating 181 degree 17.9 mp/h
Weather icon
89.6° 75.2°


How does the pollen count in Arlington compare between different times of the day, such as morning, afternoon and evening?

Pollen counts in different regions, including Arlington, are influenced by a variety of factors. Among these factors, the time of day plays a crucial role. To gain a deeper understanding of the fluctuations in pollen count throughout the day, one needs to consider the biology of plants, the environmental conditions, and the specific behaviour of pollen grains in the atmosphere.

Plants have evolved to release pollen during times that optimise their chances of reproduction. The early morning, right after dawn until mid-morning, is a period where a lot of plants release their pollen into the atmosphere. This timing has been noted across multiple types of vegetation, be it trees, grasses, or weeds. One reason for this is that the calm conditions of early morning reduce the likelihood of pollen getting washed away by rain or blown away in high winds before it has a chance to fulfil its reproductive purpose.

However, as the day progresses and moves into the afternoon, there's a notable change in environmental conditions. Arlington, like many other places, experiences an increase in temperatures and winds during this period. The rise in temperature causes updrafts, and the heightened wind speeds carry pollen grains higher up into the atmosphere and spread them over longer distances. The dispersal means the pollen concentration in any given local area decreases.

Moreover, it's worth mentioning that pollen grains have a variety of sizes and weights. Some grains are light and can remain airborne for extended periods, especially when carried by winds. In contrast, others are heavier and settle relatively quickly. The afternoon period, being typically windier, assists in the wider dispersion of these grains, ensuring they cover larger areas and reach potential pollinators or mating plants.

By the time evening approaches, the environmental conditions once again undergo a shift. Temperatures generally start to decrease, and wind activity becomes more subdued. These conditions cause a significant number of pollen grains to settle. While the pollen count during the evening may see an uptick, it's often not as high as the morning levels. This is because a substantial portion of the pollen released in the morning has been dispersed far and wide by the afternoon winds.

Furthermore, the specific types of plants in Arlington can also contribute to the variations in pollen count throughout the day. Some plants might release their pollen predominantly in the morning, while others might do so in the evening. The cumulative effect of these multiple release timings by various plants ensures that there's almost always some level of pollen in the air, albeit with significant variations.

Is there a correlation between the pollen count in Arlington and the prevalence of seasonal allergies in the population?

The relationship between the pollen count in Arlington and the prevalence of seasonal allergies in the local population has been observed and documented. Studies and observations indicate a direct correlation between the two. As the pollen counts rise, a greater number of individuals in the area report and manifest symptoms commonly associated with seasonal allergies. These symptoms can range from mild, such as sneezing and itchy eyes, to more severe manifestations like respiratory distress in extreme cases.

However, it's essential to understand the nuances of this correlation. Not every individual reacts the same way to all types of pollen. Plants, depending on their species, produce unique types of pollen grains. For example, the pollen grains from trees like oak and pine differ from those of grasses such as Bermuda or ryegrass. Therefore, the specific allergic reactions observed in individuals can vary based on the predominant type of pollen present in the air at any given time.

In Arlington, several types of pollen-producing plants are found. While some individuals may develop symptoms due to the pollen from trees in the spring, others might find the pollen from grasses in the early summer more problematic. This variation in sensitivity further complicates the direct relationship between overall pollen counts and the prevalence of seasonal allergies.

Another factor to consider is the concentration of certain types of plants in specific regions of Arlington. Some areas might have a higher density of a particular type of vegetation, leading to increased pollen counts of that specific type in those areas. This can lead to localised spikes in allergic reactions among the residents of that neighbourhood, even if the overall pollen count for the entire city might be considered moderate.

Moreover, personal factors also play a role. While environmental factors like the type and concentration of pollen in the air are significant determinants, individual genetic factors, overall health, and previous exposure history can also influence the severity and frequency of allergic reactions among the population.

In light of these considerations, while there is a clear correlation between the pollen count in Arlington and the prevalence of seasonal allergies in the population, the relationship is multifaceted and influenced by a variety of both environmental and personal factors.

Does the pollen count in Arlington impact outdoor activities?

The pollen count does influence outdoor activities in Arlington. This influence manifests in several ways, affecting not just people but also the planning of events and even the local economy in some instances.

To start with, the direct impact on individuals is evident. People with pollen allergies, upon exposure to high levels of pollen, exhibit various symptoms. Sneezing, itchy eyes, and congestion are among the most common. These symptoms can become so severe for some that they impact daily activities. For example, a person who enjoys a morning jog might find it challenging to maintain this routine during peak pollen seasons because of intensified symptoms.

Moreover, for those who don’t necessarily have severe pollen allergies, the general discomfort caused by high pollen counts can still be off-putting. This discomfort can affect participation in outdoor sports, picnics, or even simple walks in the park.

Outdoor events, particularly those scheduled during seasons known for high pollen counts, might see reduced attendance. Organisers of such events are often faced with a choice: either reschedule, choose indoor venues, or implement measures to reduce pollen exposure, such as setting up tents or using air purifiers.

Schools and educational institutions in Arlington also need to consider the pollen count.

Physical education sessions, outdoor study sessions, or sports events might need adjustments. Some schools, for example, might choose to have indoor activities or games during days when the pollen count is exceptionally high to ensure the health and comfort of their students.

Arlington's businesses that rely heavily on outdoor activities, like gardening centres, outdoor cafes, or sports facilities, might see a dip in patronage during high pollen seasons. This necessitates adaptations in business strategies. For instance, cafes could increase indoor seating or provide facilities like air purifiers to make the environment more comfortable.

In terms of public health advisories, local health departments often issue warnings or advisories during days of high pollen counts. These advisories are crucial as they guide residents on what to expect and how to protect themselves, especially if they have known allergies.

Can the pollen count in Arlington affect pets or animals?

When considering the effects of high pollen counts in Arlington, or any other location for that matter, the focus is often on humans. However, pets and animals, particularly domestic ones, can experience discomfort similar to that experienced by humans.

Pets and Pollen Sensitivity

Like humans, animals have their own set of allergens that might cause reactions. Pollen is one such allergen. Different animals might react differently to the same pollen types. For instance, while some dogs might be perfectly fine during a high pollen season, others might show noticeable signs of distress.

Signs of Discomfort in Pets

Some common indicators of pollen-related discomfort in pets include scratching, biting, and watery eyes. However, the symptoms don't stop there. Respiratory issues, such as sneezing, coughing, and wheezing, might also manifest. The skin, especially in areas with less fur or hair, can become red and irritated. In more severe cases, animals can develop ear infections due to the constant scratching or shaking of their heads.

Monitoring and Care

It's crucial for those who have pets to observe any behavioural changes during peak pollen seasons. An increase in scratching or signs of skin inflammation might point to a reaction to the pollen in the air. Continuous paw licking, in the case of dogs, is another sign to watch out for, as they might be trying to relieve itchiness caused by contact with pollen.

Routine checks are advisable. This includes inspecting the animal's coat and skin for any signs of redness, bumps, or rashes. Cleaning or wiping down pets after they've been outdoors can help reduce the amount of pollen they bring into the home.

Consultation with a Vet

In cases where the pet's discomfort becomes pronounced or persistent, seeking the advice of a vet is a prudent step. The vet can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend treatments to alleviate the symptoms. This might include special shampoos, medications, or even dietary adjustments. Furthermore, a vet can offer guidance on preventive measures to reduce pollen exposure for the pet in the future.

Understanding the Local Pollen Count

Knowledge of the local pollen count and the specific types of pollen prevalent in Arlington can be useful. This not only helps humans manage their allergies but can be beneficial for pets as well. Regularly checking pollen forecasts can guide pet owners on the best times to take their pets outside or when to avoid prolonged outdoor activities.

It's evident that the health and well-being of pets during high pollen seasons is an area that requires attention. Recognising the signs, implementing preventive measures, and seeking professional advice, when necessary, can make all the difference in ensuring that pets remain comfortable and healthy, even when pollen counts soar.

Can the pollen count in Arlington vary between different neighbourhoods or regions within the city?

The pollen count in Arlington can vary significantly between its various neighbourhoods and regions. Let's delve into this in more detail.

Factors Affecting Pollen Count Variations

There are several key factors that influence these variations in pollen count across Arlington:

  • Types of Vegetation: Different plants release different types of pollen. Some neighbourhoods might have a higher concentration of certain types of plants compared to others. For example, one area might be dense with oak trees, while another might be populated with grasses. Each of these plants releases its own unique pollen, which in turn affects the local pollen count.
  • Proximity to Green Spaces: Neighbourhoods located near parks, gardens, or wooded areas tend to have higher pollen counts. The reason is straightforward: these green spaces contain a variety of plants that release pollen into the atmosphere.
  • Urban Development Patterns: Arlington's urban development affects pollen count in two ways. Firstly, areas with more buildings and fewer trees often have lower pollen counts, as there are fewer plants to release pollen. However, these areas might still be affected if they're close to pollen-rich zones. Secondly, the materials and design of urban infrastructure can influence how pollen is dispersed and trapped. For instance, streets lined with trees can trap pollen, leading to higher counts in those specific areas.
  • Wind Patterns: Wind plays a crucial role in the dispersion of pollen. Neighbourhoods located downwind from dense vegetative areas might experience elevated pollen counts, even if they don't have many pollen-producing plants themselves. Wind carries pollen from one area to another, and its direction and speed can significantly affect localised pollen counts.

Examples of Neighbourhood Variations

To better understand the concept, consider two hypothetical neighbourhoods in Arlington:

Neighbourhood A: Located next to a large city park filled with a variety of trees and plants. This neighbourhood, due to its close proximity to a green space, typically records higher pollen counts. Residents often notice that during peak flowering seasons, there's a visible layer of pollen on surfaces, especially cars.

Neighbourhood B: Situated in a more urbanised part of Arlington with few trees and more concrete structures. While the immediate environment might not produce as much pollen, the neighbourhood still experiences varying pollen counts. On days when the wind direction brings air from greener parts of the city, the pollen count rises.

Such variations across neighbourhoods are not unique to Arlington. Most urban areas with a mix of green spaces and built-up zones will observe differences in pollen counts across their locales. For residents and local authorities in Arlington, understanding these variations is key, especially when providing daily pollen forecasts and advisories to the public.

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