Pollen count and allergy info for Durham

Durham pollen and allergy report

Last update at (local time)

Today's Pollen Count in Durham

Very high
Pollen types
Tree pollenVery high
Grass pollenLow
Weed pollenNone
Source: tomorrow.io

Air quality

Air quality of Durham today

PM2.5 µg/m³Good
PM10 µg/m³Good
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Allergy forecast

Durham pollen count forecast

DayIndex Tree Grass Weed WindWeatherTemperature
Very high
Very high
Very high
Wind rotating 217 degree 6.7 mp/h
Weather icon
82.4° 60.8°
Sunday, Jun 2
Very high
Very high
Very high
Wind rotating 246 degree 8.9 mp/h
Weather icon 80%
84.2° 64.4°
Monday, Jun 3
Very high
Very high
Wind rotating 122 degree 4.5 mp/h
Weather icon
89.6° 66.2°


How does the pollen count in Durham compare between different times of the day?

The pollen count in Durham shows noticeable variations throughout the day, and understanding this phenomenon requires an exploration of several factors.


In the morning, the pollen levels in Durham are typically lower. This is closely related to the lower temperatures during this time of the day. As the sun rises, temperatures are still relatively cool, which causes pollen from plants to be less airborne. The morning period often provides respite for those who are affected by higher pollen counts, especially during certain seasons when specific plant species release their pollen.


By midday, the pollen count in Durham often reaches its peak. This is the time when the temperature usually increases, and the warm weather creates an environment conducive to the release of pollen. Windy weather can further augment the pollen levels as the wind helps in dispersing the pollen particles in the air. During warm and windy days, the pollen count can be particularly high, affecting those who are sensitive to it.


In the evening, the pollen levels in Durham generally decrease. This drop is mainly due to the falling temperatures as the sun sets. Cooler temperatures reduce the ability of pollen to remain airborne, causing a decline in the overall pollen count. The evening often brings relief to those affected by pollen, although the exact reduction in levels might vary depending on several factors.

Understanding the pollen count in Durham and its variations throughout the day requires an intricate examination of multiple interconnected factors. From the time of the day to the weather and the specific characteristics of the local flora, all these aspects play a role in determining the pollen levels in the region. By comprehending these elements, individuals can make informed decisions about outdoor activities, especially those who may be affected by higher pollen counts. It also allows experts to make accurate forecasts and offer advice tailored to local conditions.

What precautions can be taken when the pollen count in Durham is high?

When the pollen count in Durham is high, a range of precautions can be taken to protect individuals, especially those suffering from allergies. These precautions are essential in managing exposure to pollen and alleviating symptoms associated with it.

One of the primary precautions to take during high pollen count is staying indoors during peak pollen times. Pollen is most concentrated in the air during specific periods of the day, usually in the early morning and late afternoon. By staying indoors during these hours, individuals can reduce their exposure to pollen.

Keeping windows closed is another important precaution to observe. Pollen can easily enter homes and other enclosed spaces through open windows. By keeping windows closed, the entry of pollen into indoor spaces can be limited, thus reducing exposure.

Using air purifiers equipped with HEPA filters is a valuable method to manage indoor air quality. HEPA filters are specifically designed to capture small particles, including pollen. They help in cleaning the indoor air, making it more comfortable for individuals who might be affected by the high pollen count.

When going outdoors is necessary, wearing sunglasses can help protect the eyes from pollen. Pollen can cause irritation to the eyes, and sunglasses act as a barrier that keeps pollen away from sensitive eye areas.

Showering after being outside is another recommended practice. Pollen can stick to clothes, skin, and hair, so washing thoroughly after outdoor exposure can remove these particles and minimise the potential effects on the individual.

Consulting with healthcare providers can also prove essential during periods of high pollen count. Healthcare professionals can guide individuals on appropriate medications or allergy shots that can help in managing symptoms. These treatments can be tailored to individual needs and conditions, ensuring that they are both effective and safe.

Different types of plants release pollen at various times of the year. Knowing the specific types of plants in Durham that are prone to releasing pollen, and their corresponding peak times, may help individuals in planning their outdoor activities or taking specific precautions tailored to the particular type of pollen.

In addition, monitoring local weather and pollen forecast can also aid in taking timely precautions. Various weather websites and applications provide information on pollen count in specific areas, and monitoring these sources can help individuals to be proactive in taking measures to reduce exposure.

The combination of these precautions, applied thoughtfully and consistently, can significantly reduce the impact of high pollen count on individuals in Durham. By understanding and following these practices, people can create a more comfortable environment for themselves and others during periods when the pollen count is high in the area.

Are there any specific months when the pollen count is particularly high in Durham?

In Durham, the pollen count tends to be higher during the spring and early summer months. This is the time when many trees, grasses, and flowers are in bloom. Specific periods may vary depending on the types of vegetation in the area, but generally, March to June sees the highest pollen levels. Autumn may also see an increase in weed pollen.

Spring and Early Summer

During the spring and early summer months, the various forms of vegetation in Durham experience a period of growth and flowering. Trees, grasses, and flowers are all contributors to the increased pollen count in the air.

Trees: Starting from March, certain trees such as oak, birch, and willow begin to release pollen. This continues until May, and the levels can be quite significant depending on the weather conditions.

Grasses: Grass pollen tends to be more prevalent from late spring to early summer, typically from May to June. It's a common cause of hay fever, and the pollen count from grasses can vary widely depending on the type of grass and the specific location within Durham.

Flowers: Many flowers bloom during the spring months, releasing pollen into the air. While flower pollen is not usually as significant as tree or grass pollen, it still adds to the overall pollen count.

Autumn Months

In addition to the spring and early summer, autumn may also present an increased level of pollen, particularly from weeds.

Weeds: Weeds such as ragweed and nettles tend to release pollen during the autumn months, from late August to September. Although not as prevalent as the tree and grass pollen, weed pollen can still contribute to overall discomfort for those sensitive to pollen.

Factors Influencing Pollen Count

Several factors can influence the pollen count in Durham. Weather plays a significant role, with warm, dry, and windy conditions leading to higher pollen counts. Rain can wash pollen out of the air, reducing the overall count.

Local geography and vegetation types also have an effect. The specific plants in an area, the soil type, and other environmental factors can cause variations in pollen levels. Monitoring local weather and pollen forecast services can provide more specific information regarding the pollen count during these times.

Implications for Residents and Visitors

People who are allergic to pollen may experience discomfort during these peak periods. Symptoms can include sneezing, a runny nose, and itchy eyes. Understanding the specific months and types of pollen prevalent in Durham can help in taking necessary precautions, such as staying indoors during high pollen count days or using allergy medications as needed.

It's clear that the pollen count in Durham varies throughout the year, with spring and early summer being the most significant periods for increased levels, while autumn also sees a rise due to weed pollen. Various factors, such as weather, types of vegetation, and local geography, can further affect the levels of pollen, making continuous monitoring essential for those affected by allergies.

Does the pollen count in Durham impact the overall air quality index?

The pollen count in Durham, as in many other areas, can certainly impact air quality, specifically for those with allergies or respiratory issues. Pollen, which is a fine powder released by certain plants during their reproductive phase, is generally not included in the standard air quality index. However, its presence in the air can affect individuals in various ways.

Pollen particles can be carried by the wind and end up in different areas, including urban spaces where people are more likely to be affected. High levels of pollen can reduce the overall air quality for individuals who are sensitive to it. This is particularly noticeable during certain times of the year when certain plants release pollen into the air.

When inhaled, pollen can cause symptoms like sneezing, coughing, or more severe respiratory problems. For those who have allergies, the reaction can be more intense, leading to symptoms that may require medical intervention. People with asthma or other chronic respiratory conditions might also experience exacerbation of their symptoms during high pollen counts.

However, it's important to note that not everyone will be affected by high pollen levels. Many people can be exposed to these levels without experiencing any noticeable effects. Sensitivity to pollen can vary greatly among individuals, and it is often linked to specific types of pollen, such as that from grass, trees, or weeds.

In terms of measuring air quality, the standard air quality index typically focuses on pollutants like nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, ozone, and particulate matter. These are often produced by human activities such as traffic, industry, and other forms of combustion. Pollen is not usually considered in these measurements, as it is a natural substance and not classified as a pollutant in the same way.

That said, the impact of pollen on air quality cannot be entirely dismissed. Local authorities and weather agencies often provide pollen forecasts, particularly during peak seasons, to help those who are sensitive to it. These forecasts can guide individuals in taking precautions such as staying indoors, keeping windows closed, or using air purifiers.

The complex relationship between pollen counts and air quality in Durham, like in other regions, illustrates the multi-dimensional nature of what constitutes 'air quality.' While pollen might not directly influence the official air quality index, its effects on human health and comfort make it an essential factor to consider in the broader understanding of air quality. Understanding the types of plants in the area, the seasons in which they release pollen, and the population's sensitivity to these pollens can all help in assessing and managing the overall quality of air in the region.

Does the pollen count in Durham impact outdoor activities?

The pollen count in Durham can have an observable effect on outdoor activities, particularly for those who suffer from allergies to pollen. To understand this effect, it is essential to consider different aspects of the pollen count and how it influences people's daily lives in Durham.

Pollen Count and Allergic Reactions

Pollen counts refer to the concentration of pollen grains in the air. High levels of pollen can lead to discomfort, sneezing, itchy eyes, and other allergic reactions. These symptoms can be more severe in individuals with pollen allergies, making outdoor activities like jogging, picnicking, or other recreational pursuits uncomfortable or even unmanageable.

Impact on Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and playing sports are a common part of life in Durham. When the pollen count is high, individuals sensitive to pollen may find these activities challenging. The air filled with pollen may cause breathing difficulties and can exacerbate asthma symptoms in those affected.

Monitoring and Planning

To mitigate the impact of high pollen counts on outdoor activities, people in Durham can monitor daily pollen forecasts. Many weather services provide detailed pollen forecasts that help residents understand when the pollen count is likely to be high. Planning outdoor activities during times of lower pollen counts can help in reducing exposure and the subsequent discomfort. It also allows residents to enjoy outdoor life without significant hindrance.

Consideration for Different Groups

Not everyone is affected by pollen in the same way. Some may not experience any adverse effects, while others may find outdoor activities nearly impossible during high pollen seasons. Those with a known allergy to specific types of pollen should be particularly cautious, as their reactions may be more acute.

Pollen Types and Seasons

Different types of pollen affect people differently, and their levels can vary throughout the year. Tree pollen may be more prevalent in the spring, while grass and weed pollen may dominate in the summer and autumn. Awareness of these seasonal patterns can help individuals plan their outdoor activities accordingly.

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