Kamphaeng Phet air quality map

Live air pollution map of Kamphaeng Phet

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Unhealthy for sensitive groups
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1 Sirichit Thai Cultural Conservation Ground


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Sensitive groups should reduce outdoor exercise
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Close your windows to avoid dirty outdoor air
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Sensitive groups should wear a mask outdoors
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Sensitive groups should run an air purifier

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Are air quality maps an indicator for health problems in Kamphaeng Phet?

There are groups of people in Kamphaeng Phet that are far more susceptible to higher US AQI readings shown on the air quality maps. When these figures rise, however, illnesses caused by excess pollution exposure can affect not only vulnerable groups but the whole population, depending on the length of exposure as well as severity.

Higher readings on the air pollution maps and air quality maps may be indicators that people will suffer from irritation to their respiratory tract, causing coughs and infections along with symptoms of COPD to appear. High US AQI readings on the air quality maps mean that these COPD illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis may start to be caused, or aggravated (if pre-existing) amongst citizens in Kamphaeng Phet.

As such, referring to air quality maps and avoiding areas that have higher levels of pollution can aid greatly in reducing these adverse health effects from occurring.

Are air quality maps present in Kamphaeng Phet?

Kamphaeng Phet now has access to air quality maps and air pollution maps, a newer feature to the IQAir website that has updated features regarding their previous air quality maps. Whilst there are city pages still in use and the predominant method of measuring the air pollution levels in Kamphaeng Phet (shown in the form of a generalized average across the whole city), the more recent addition of air quality maps is now providing greater insights into air pollution data, in ways that can be especially helpful in a more specific sense.

This means that with the addition of air quality maps in Kamphaeng Phet, users and individuals who wish to follow air pollution levels throughout the day, as well as over an entire year, can now do so with greater insight into exactly where the highest levels of pollution in Kamphaeng Phet are occurring. This is the main difference and one of the added benefits of checking air pollution maps, which instead of giving an average air pollution reading like the adjacent city pages found on the website (also shown in the form of US AQI readings as well as PM2.5 concentrations, particularly when referring air pollution readings from years past), give the US AQI readings from all the different air quality monitoring stations found across Kamphaeng Phet, as well as any stations that may be situated just outside of the city. This enables users to see air pollution readings on the air quality maps in their entirety, and not just as an average reading.

Whilst a high average air pollution level as shown on the city pages may be a good indicator that the pollution levels are starting to present a danger to many of Kamphaeng Phet’s inhabitants as well as those that may be passing through or visiting (something that is starting to pick up again after the significant shutdowns of transportation and tourism following the devastating fallout left by the Covid-19 outbreak), it may not give the clearest possible picture, as there will still be areas of the city that have a better level of air quality than what is indicated at by the average reading.

With the addition of air quality maps now being in use throughout Kamphaeng Phet, users get constant updates into more concise forms of air quality data. As mentioned above, a city with a high level of average air pollution levels will still have areas that show lower US AQI readings on the air quality map pages, which thus enable people to stick to these areas and reduce their pollution exposure levels.

The opposite is also true when referring to air quality maps, as days that may appear clean in Kamphaeng Phet in their average US AQI readings, may also have pockets of more highly concentrated pollution, in the form of smoke, haze, smog and clouds of hazardous particles, emanating from a variety of sources. As such, Kamphaeng Phet does have air quality maps in use, as well as many pollution monitoring stations, spread out throughout the city to provide these maps with a constant stream of data for the day (which can also show users which times of the day have the worst air quality).

Can air quality maps in Kamphaeng Phet be helpful for certain citizens?

Using air quality maps to refer to the pollution levels in Kamphaeng Phet over the course of the year can be very helpful for many citizens. Those who wish to keep their pollution exposure to a minimum will benefit greatly as referring to these air pollution maps will help them to avoid areas that have higher amounts of smoke and haze present, as well as give greater insight into what times of the day certain areas are more polluted, as well as what months of the year tend towards having higher US AQI readings present on the air quality map.

Besides helping those that just wish to keep their exposure levels down, air pollution maps can also help those that fall into the more vulnerable, or at-risk demographic. For certain people, it may be more of a necessity to refer to air pollution maps such as these for them to avoid aggravating any pre-existing health conditions that they have, which can ultimately help improve the quality of their lives as well as extend it overall, as many premature deaths are caused by pollution exposure throughout Kamphaeng Phet and indeed the whole world, with many studies having been conducted over the last few decades driving this point home more and more.

To name a few of the groups that will benefit the most from having access to or referring to air quality maps, these include those with the above-mentioned pre-existing health conditions, particularly those that affect the cardiovascular system as well as the pulmonary system (the heart and the lungs). Young children and babies are also highly susceptible to the damaging effects of air pollution, and the parents or guardians of such children would do well to refer to air quality maps in Kamphaeng Phet in order to keep their child's exposure level to a minimum.

Other groups that can benefit from air pollution maps include the elderly (who are vulnerable to infections of the respiratory tract, with certain common colds or other illnesses that affect these areas easily turning into more severe or life-threatening conditions if enough polluting material is inhaled). Pregnant mothers, along with those that have a hypersensitive disposition towards pollutants, and those with compromised immune systems are all people that will benefit significantly from utilizing air pollution maps and air quality maps in Kamphaeng Phet.

What pollutants do air quality maps show in Kamphaeng Phet?

The air quality maps in use show the US AQI reading across its many data feeds coming from the air quality monitoring stations in Kamphaeng Phet. The US AQI figure is calculated from the volume of several main pollutants, which are ozone, PM2.5 and PM10, carbon monoxide, as well as nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

Whilst the air quality maps do not show the exact concentrations (which can be observed on the regular city page for Kamphaeng Phet, also present on the website), generally, when the US AQI levels are high on the air quality maps, it can be expected that people will come into much greater quantities of the above-mentioned pollutants. Thus, air pollution maps can give a general overview of what one might breathe in an area with higher pollution levels and subsequent US AQI elevations.

Kamphaeng Phet air quality data attribution


Where is the cleanest air quality in Kamphaeng Phet?

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