Pollen count and allergy info for Honolulu

Honolulu pollen and allergy report

Last update at (local time)

Today's Pollen Count in Honolulu

Pollen types
Tree pollenNone
Grass pollenLow
Weed pollenNone
Source: tomorrow.io

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PM2.5 µg/m³Good
PM10 µg/m³Good
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Allergy forecast

Honolulu pollen count forecast

DayIndex Tree Grass Weed WindWeatherTemperature
Wind rotating 68 degree 22.4 mp/h
Weather icon
78.8° 73.4°
Monday, Jun 3
Wind rotating 66 degree 22.4 mp/h
Weather icon 40%
77° 73.4°
Tuesday, Jun 4
Wind rotating 62 degree 22.4 mp/h
Weather icon
78.8° 73.4°


Is there a particular time of day when the pollen count is highest in Honolulu?

In Honolulu, the pollen count tends to be highest during the early morning hours, generally between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. This is when many plants release their pollen into the atmosphere. The calm and cool conditions of early morning often facilitate the release of pollen. During these hours, the still air allows pollen to settle from the plants and trees that released it overnight.

As the day progresses, the warmth and ultraviolet radiation from the sun can help to break down pollen, thereby reducing its count. These factors also lead to the movement of air, as the warming atmosphere stirs gentle breezes which can disperse pollen. By midday, the combination of sun, higher temperatures, and wind often means that pollen is more dispersed throughout the atmosphere. This means that, while pollen is still present, it is often at lower concentrations compared to the early morning hours.

In the late afternoon and evening, as the temperature begins to drop, the movement of pollen tends to decrease. Plants often release less pollen at this time, and the falling temperatures lead to calming winds, which means that pollen is not as widely dispersed. However, in residential areas with a lot of flowering plants and grasses, pollen counts can remain relatively high in the early evening due to localised release from these plants.

The specific timing can vary based on the plants in bloom and the prevailing weather conditions. Different plants have different pollination periods and times of day when they release most of their pollen. For example, some trees predominantly release their pollen at dawn, while many grasses release pollen in the early morning.

Weather conditions, including rain, wind speed, and direction, also have a significant effect on pollen counts at different times of the day. For instance, rain can help to wash pollen from the air, leading to lower pollen counts during and after a rainfall event. Wind can carry pollen from one area to another, which means that pollen counts can vary significantly based on wind conditions.

It is important to check local pollen forecasts, as they provide the most up-to-date and accurate information for a given day. These forecasts are often available on weather websites or through health departments, and they offer predictions about the expected pollen levels at different times of the day. This data is usually gathered from monitoring stations that collect air samples to determine the amount of pollen present in the air. These stations use this data to give a pollen count, which is often reported as grains of pollen per cubic meter of air.

Are there any specific months when the pollen count is particularly high in Honolulu?

In Honolulu, pollen counts can vary throughout the year, but the counts tend to be higher between December and April. These months coincide with the rainy season in Honolulu, when many plants are in their flowering phase and release more pollen into the atmosphere. During the rainy season, plants including trees, grasses, and weeds commonly release pollen, taking advantage of the increased moisture that supports their growth.

Honolulu, given its tropical climate, has a relatively constant level of some pollen types year-round due to the consistent growing conditions. The island’s stable temperatures and abundant sunlight provide a nurturing environment for plants, allowing them to flower at various times throughout the year. This constant flowering results in a steady, although fluctuating, presence of pollen in the air.

Certain types of trees, such as acacia and jacaranda, have more pronounced blooming seasons during these months, contributing to elevated pollen counts. Acacia trees, for example, tend to bloom more profusely during the late winter and early spring months, releasing significant amounts of pollen into the air. Jacaranda trees, known for their vibrant purple flowers, typically have a blooming season that extends from late winter into spring. Their pollen is also released in large quantities during this period, adding to the overall pollen count.

It is important to note that although December through April marks a peak in pollen levels due to the rainy season, other factors can also influence pollen counts during this period. For instance, wind patterns play a critical role. When the trade winds, which are predominant in Honolulu, are strong, they can help to disperse pollen more broadly, reducing the concentration in any given area. Conversely, when the winds are calm, pollen can accumulate, leading to higher localised counts.

Additionally, certain non-native plants that have been introduced to Honolulu, either intentionally for landscaping or accidentally, have become significant sources of pollen. These plants may not follow the traditional blooming patterns of native Hawaiian plants, adding complexity to the timing and levels of pollen counts in the area.

Public health and environmental agencies in Honolulu regularly monitor pollen counts, and this data is often made available to the public. Residents and visitors with pollen sensitivities are advised to consult this information, especially during the December to April period, in order to take any necessary precautions, such as limiting outdoor activities during high pollen count days or taking allergy medications as prescribed.

Finally, it’s worth mentioning that while many areas of the world experience a clear distinction between their pollen seasons, Honolulu's year-round growing conditions and diverse mix of plant species result in a more complex and nuanced pollen calendar.

Does the pollen count in Honolulu vary between urban and suburban areas?

The pollen count in Honolulu can vary significantly between urban and suburban areas. In urban areas, the pollen count is generally lower. One of the main reasons for this is the limited presence of vegetation. Urban areas in Honolulu, as in many cities, are dominated by buildings, roads, and other infrastructures, leaving less space for trees, plants, and grasses that produce pollen.

Moreover, the air pollution commonly found in urban environments can have an effect on pollen dispersal. Polluted urban air often contains particulate matter, which can attach to pollen grains. This combination of pollen and pollution particles can weigh down the pollen, preventing it from traveling as far through the air. Additionally, air pollution can create a hostile environment for pollen, as certain pollutants can degrade pollen grains, rendering them nonviable and reducing their count in the atmosphere.

In contrast, suburban and rural areas of Honolulu tend to have more green spaces, gardens, and undeveloped land. This naturally leads to a greater presence of trees, plants, and grasses. Consequently, these areas generally experience higher pollen counts. There is a greater variety of vegetation in suburban and rural areas, including both native and non-native species. This diversity of plants leads to a broader array of pollen types being released into the air, often in larger quantities due to the higher number of plants present.

Another factor to consider is the landscaping practices in suburban areas of Honolulu. Many suburban homes and communities prioritize aesthetically pleasing landscaping, which often includes planting flowering trees and ornamental plants. While these plants can be visually appealing, they can also be significant producers of pollen. For example, certain species of trees and shrubs that are popular in landscaping, such as acacia and jacaranda, are known to be prolific pollen producers. Their widespread use in suburban landscaping can lead to localized spikes in pollen levels during their blooming seasons.

It is also worth noting the impact of wind and weather patterns on pollen distribution between urban and suburban areas. In general, winds can carry pollen from suburban and rural areas, where it is produced in larger quantities, into urban areas. However, the complex interplay of Honolulu’s topography, wind patterns, and urban structures can lead to varied and sometimes unpredictable pollen distribution patterns across different parts of the city and its surrounding areas.

In addition, the specific type of vegetation in a given area plays a role in the local pollen count. Different plants release pollen at different times of the year, and the mix of plant species in urban and suburban areas is likely to vary. This can lead to different pollen count peaks at different times in various locations throughout Honolulu.

What are the common types of pollen in Honolulu?

Tree Pollens in Honolulu

In Honolulu, one of the most significant sources of pollen is trees. Acacia trees, for instance, are widespread across the Hawaiian Islands, including in the urban and suburban areas of Honolulu. They produce large amounts of pollen that can become airborne and lead to increased pollen counts in the environment. Kiawe (mesquite) trees are another common source of pollen. These trees are prevalent in many parts of Honolulu and are known for producing large quantities of small, light pollen grains that can travel easily on the wind. Jacaranda trees are also a notable contributor. They have a distinct blooming season, generally between April and June, during which they release substantial amounts of pollen.

Grass Pollens in Honolulu

Grasses are also a significant contributor to pollen levels in Honolulu. Bermuda grass, in particular, is common in lawns and open spaces throughout the city. This type of grass produces a prolific amount of pollen, especially during the warmer months. It is a major concern for those with pollen allergies, as its pollen can be lightweight and easily carried by the wind.

Weed Pollens in Honolulu

Weeds are another source of pollen in Honolulu. Plants from the plantain family are widespread, often growing alongside roads and in disturbed areas. These plants produce pollen that, while not as abundant as that of some trees and grasses, can still cause allergic reactions in sensitive individuals. The nettle family, which includes plants like stinging nettles and wood nettles, is another common source of weed pollen in Honolulu. These plants release their pollen mainly during the spring and early summer.

Unique Mix of Native and Introduced Plant Species

Honolulu's geographic position in the middle of the Pacific contributes to its unique mix of plant species and, consequently, its pollen composition. The city has a diverse range of native plants, many of which have evolved to suit its specific environmental conditions. At the same time, a wide variety of plants have been introduced from other parts of the world, either intentionally for landscaping and agriculture or unintentionally as invasive species. These introduced species have become established in various parts of Honolulu and the broader Hawaiian Islands and are significant contributors to the overall pollen count.

Impact of Pollen Sources on Local Environment

The combination of native and introduced plant species in Honolulu creates a complex and dynamic pollen environment. Pollen from different sources peaks at different times of the year, leading to varying pollen counts across seasons. The prevalence of certain types of plants in specific areas of the city, such as the abundance of acacia trees in certain neighbourhoods or the widespread planting of Bermuda grass in parks, can also lead to localized variations in pollen levels.

Are there any measures taken in Honolulu to control pollen levels?

In Honolulu, measures to control pollen levels focus more on management than reduction. This begins with regular monitoring of pollen counts. Local weather stations and health departments routinely monitor and report pollen levels. These reports help residents, especially those with pollen allergies, stay informed about daily pollen levels. By checking these reports, individuals can adjust their outdoor activities accordingly, limiting exposure when counts are high.

Urban planning in Honolulu also plays a significant role in pollen management. The city engages in landscaping decisions in public spaces, such as parks and around government buildings, that consider the potential allergenic impact of plants. For example, urban planners and landscapers may select plant species that produce larger, less airborne pollen particles, which are less likely to be inhaled and therefore less likely to cause allergic reactions. Native plants, which are generally well-suited to the local environment and less likely to contribute excessively to pollen counts, are often prioritized in these decisions.

Education and advisories for residents are also key components of pollen level management in Honolulu. Residents are advised to maintain their gardens and yards to help control pollen levels. This involves regular mowing of lawns and timely trimming of trees and shrubs. Proper garden maintenance helps to reduce the volume of pollen that plants release into the surrounding environment. Moreover, residents are educated about the benefits of planting low-pollen trees and plants, and are often provided with lists of suggested species that are less likely to aggravate allergies.

Indoor air management is another measure residents take to control their exposure to pollen. For instance, some people use air purifiers in their homes to remove pollen from indoor air. Air purifiers can be particularly beneficial for those with severe allergies, as they help to create an indoor environment with significantly lower pollen levels. Regularly changing air filters in air conditioning units is another practice that contributes to improved indoor air quality during high-pollen seasons. This is because clean and functional filters are more effective at trapping pollen particles and preventing them from circulating indoors.

Additionally, on days when pollen counts are high, residents are advised to keep windows and doors closed to prevent pollen from entering their homes. They are also advised to shower and change clothes after spending time outdoors to remove pollen that may have settled on their skin and clothing.

These measures, from city planning to individual actions, represent a comprehensive strategy for managing pollen levels and exposure in Honolulu. While they may not drastically reduce the overall pollen count in the environment, they do provide meaningful ways for residents to manage and reduce their personal exposure and symptoms.

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